Joint resolution notifying municipalities within the Northwest Lake Facilities Planning Areas (FPA) of the implementation of an excess flow surcharge.
Staff Summary
· Approximately four years ago the County along with Fox Lake, Lakes Region Sanitary District, Lake Villa, Round Lake, Round Lake Beach (RLB), Round Lake Park, Round Lake Heights, Hainesville, and Harbor Ridge (Utilities, Inc.) formed the Northwest Sewer Advisory Committee to discuss regional sanitary sewer issues within the Northwest FPA.
· Improvements to the Excess Flow Facilities located in RLB and the initiation of a surcharge on sewer bills for customers using this system have been a significant point of focus for the Advisory Committee.
· The Advisory Committee has collaboratively developed a plan to increase sewer system capacity and prevent unauthorized discharges with the construction of improvements to the facilities in RLB.
· The cost to each individual customer equivalent will be $1.50 per month and will be identified on sewer bills as an "Excess Flow Surcharge" starting in January 2014.
· This resolution provides formal notice, under the terms of the agreement between the County and the other Northwest Sewer Advisory Committee members, of the charge.
WHEREAS, the County of Lake owns, operates and maintains numerous sanitary sewer systems, interceptor sewer systems and regional wastewater reclamation facilities throughout the County; and
WHEREAS, Lake County has entered into contractual Agreements for Sewage Disposal with several municipalities and agencies within the County; and
WHEREAS, the Agreements for the Northwest Regional Sewer System provide for the implementation of an excess flow surcharge; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the County to provide notice to contractual municipalities or agencies affected by an adjustment in the rates.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the municipalities of Fox Lake, Hainesville (northwest), Lake Villa, Round Lake, Round Lake Beach, Round Lake Heights, Round Lake Park, and Harbor Ridge Utilities and the Lakes Region Sanitary District be notified of an excess flow surcharge effective January 1, 2014. The surcharge is established as follows:
Municipality or Agency Surcharge
Fox Lake $1.50 per month per Resident Customer Equivalent
Harbor Ridge $1.50 per month per Resident Customer Equivalent
Hainesville (Northwest) $1.50 per month per Resident Customer Equivalent
Lake Villa $1.50 per month per Resident Customer Equivalent
Lakes Region Sanitary District $1.50 per month per Resident Customer Equivalent
Round Lake $1.50 per month per Resident Customer Equivalent
Round Lake Beach $1.50 per month per Resident Customer Equivalent
Round Lake Heights $1.50 per month per Resident Customer Equivalent
Round Lake Park $1.50 per month per Resident Customer Equivalent
DATED, at WAUKEGAN, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, on this 12th day of November, A.D., 2013.