Joint resolution authorizing separate agreements with Kenosha County, Wisconsin, and the Village of Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, for proposed intersection improvements at Russell Road and Lewis Avenue, and Russell Road and Kenosha Road, and memorializing maintenance responsibilities along Russell Road and 128th Street/State Line Road.
Staff Summary
• The intersections of Russell Road with Lewis Avenue and Kenosha Road will be improved with the installation of roundabouts.
• The intersections are on the Illinois/Wisconsin state line and will require joint effort between Lake County, Kenosha County, and the Village of Pleasant Prairie, specifically for the acquisition of property necessary to build the improvements.
• As part of this agreement, Kenosha County and the Village of Pleasant Prairie would acquire all property within their respective boundaries, without reimbursement from Lake County.
• The agreement also memorializes maintenance responsibilities along Russell Road and along 128th Street/State Line Road as both routes follow along the Illinois/Wisconsin state line.
• This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 22-00999-91-CH.
WHEREAS, Russell Road, Lake County Highway 19, Kenosha Road, Lake County Highway 53, and Lewis Avenue, Lake County Highway 27, are designated routes on the Lake County highway system; and
WHEREAS, Kenosha County has maintenance and jurisdictional authority over 39th Avenue which is the north leg of the intersection of Russell Road and Lewis Avenue; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Pleasant Prairie has maintenance and jurisdictional authority over 47th Avenue which is the north leg of the intersection of Russell Road and Kenosha Road; and
WHEREAS, to ensure the free flow of traffic and safety for the welfare of the traveling public, Lake County, Kenosha County, and the Village of Pleasant Prairie are desirous of improving the intersections at Russell Road and Lewis Avenue/39th Avenue and Russell Road and Kenosha Road/47th Avenue; and
WHEREAS, as part of this agreement, Lake County would construct and maintain the intersection improvements in accordance with LCDOT procedures and requirements, without reimbursement from Kenosha County or the Village of Pleasant Prairie; and
WHEREAS, as part of this agreement, Kenosha County and the Village of Pleasant Prairie would acquire the necessary property that fall within their respective boundaries, without reimbursement from Lake County; and
WHEREAS, Lake County and Kenosha County are also desirous of memorializing their respective jurisdictional and maintenance obligations over Russell Road and 128th Street/State Line Road, both of which follow the state line between Lake County and Kenosha County, more or less; and
WHEREAS, Lake County would continue to have jurisdictional and maintenance authority over Russell Road, from US Highway 41 to Illinois Route 137; and
WHEREAS, Kenosha County would continue to have jurisdictional and maintenance authority over 128th Street/State Line Road (Kenosha County Trunk Highway WG) from west of US Highway 45 to US Highway 41; and
WHEREAS, Kenosha County and the Village of Pleasant Prairie are desirous of entering into separate agreements with Lake County stating the terms and conditions for the respective improvements, executed copies of which are attached hereto.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this Lake County Board, that the County Board Chair, the County Clerk, and the County Engineer of Lake County are authorized, and are hereby directed to enter into separate agreements, and any amendments, with Kenosha County and the Village of Pleasant Prairie stating the terms and conditions for intersection improvements at Russell Road and Lewis Avenue and Russell Road and Kenosha Road, to memorialize jurisdictional and maintenance authority along Russell Road and 128th Street/State Line Road, and designated as Section 22-00999-91-CH.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Engineer shall transmit, in writing, the final agreements and any amendments, to be executed by the County Board Chair and the County Clerk.
DATED at Waukegan, Illinois, on September 13, 2022.