Resolution authorizing a contract with Pro-Bel Enterprises, LTD, Ajax, Ontario, Canada for the design and build of a Roof Anchor System for the Lake County Administration Building and other campus buildings in the amount of $459,520.
Staff Summary
• Lake County desires to enter into a contract with Pro-Bel Enterprises Ltd, Ajax Ontario, Canada for the design and build of a Roof Anchor System for the Lake County Administration Building and other campus buildings.
• A Roof Anchor System is needed for external building maintenance and window washing, and is required by the Occupation Health and Safety Administration (OSHA).
• Invitations for bids were extended to fourteen (14) vendors and sealed bids were received on October 21, 2009 from three (3) vendors ranging from $968,100 to $1,208,225.
• The bid specification invited bidders to offer substitutions that would reduce the amount bid.
• Pro-Bel Enterprises, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder submitted substitutions and pre-design documentation resulting in a total bid reduction of $508,580.
• The substitutions were reviewed and accepted by Facilities Management staff and by HDR Architecture, the Consultant Engineer for the project.
• The contract will cost $459,520 charged to 101-1103285-82020-000-000-000-11193.
WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 4-102 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, bids were called for by publication for the Design and Build of a Roof Anchor System for the Lake County Administration Building and the Lake County Adult Corrections/Work Release Facility; and
WHEREAS, a Roof Anchor System is needed for external building maintenance and window washing, and is required by the Occupation Health and Safety Administration (OSHA); and
WHEREAS, sealed bids were received on October 21, 2009 from three (3) vendors ranging from $968,100 to $1,208,225; and.
WHEREAS, the bid specification invited bidders to offer substitutions that would reduce the bid amount; and
WHEREAS, Pro-Bel Enterprises, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder submitted substitutions and pre-design documentation resulting in a total bid reduction of $508,580; and
WHEREAS, the substitutions were reviewed and accepted by Facilities Management staff and by HDR Architecture, the Consultant Engineer for the project.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Pro-Bel Enterprises, LTD., Ajax, Ontario, Canada in the amount of $459,520 charging to account 101-1103285-82020-000-000-000-11193.
DATED at Waukegan, Illinois, on this 9 day of February, A.D., 2010.