Joint resolution authorizing execution of a contract with Campanella & Sons, Inc., Wadsworth, Illinois in the amount of $1,024,325.89 for the Sunset Drive Sanitary Sewer Replacement Improvements Project.
Staff Summary
• The County’s gravity sewer and force main along Sunset Drive in the Village of Round Lake Beach have reached the end of their useful life and need to be replaced.
• The determination was made to replace both the existing force main and gravity sewer with a larger diameter sewer to reduce the quantity of pipe that would have to be maintained in the future.
• The County received bids from five (5) contractors for this work ranging from $1,024,325.89 to $1,429,396.25.
• Award of this contract is recommended to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Campanella & Sons, Inc. of Wadsworth, Illinois, who best meets the needs of the County in the amount of $1,024,325.89.
• This resolution authorizes and directs the County Purchasing Agent to execute a contract with Campanella & Sons, Inc. of Wadsworth, Illinois, in the amount of $1,024,325.89.
WHEREAS, the County of Lake (County) owns, operates, and maintains numerous sanitary sewers and force mains throughout the County including the sewer and force main located along Sunset Drive in our Northwest Facilities Planning Area that are part of this project; and
WHEREAS, the sewer and force main along Sunset Drive have reached the end of their useful life and need to be replaced; and
WHEREAS, the replacement of the existing sewer and force main with one larger diameter sewer is the most economical solution, and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, bids were called for by publication for the Sunset Drive Sanitary Sewer Replacement Improvements Project; and
WHEREAS, Campanella & Sons, Inc. is the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the amount of $1,024,325.89; the other bids received ranged from $1,126,760.00 to $1,429,396.25.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with Campanella & Sons, Inc., Wadsworth, Illinois in the amount of $1,024,325.89 for the Sunset Drive Sanitary Sewer Replacement Improvements Project.
DATED at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois on this 12th day of April, A.D., 2022.