Joint resolution to accept and place on file the Phase 3 Justice Agency Master Plan Implementation and Project Development Study including operations and facility recommendations resulting from an extensive multi-phased four year analysis completed by the Judicial Facility Review Committee.
Staff Summary
· Lake County has been experiencing operational challenges related to space constraints in their court facilities largely attributable to growth within the justice system over the last two decades. Recognizing these challenges, the County has planned for long term facility needs that include additional courtroom space and remodeling of support spaces in the jail to address the current facility constraints.
· The County's first priority in evaluating long term facility needs was to determine if any operational changes could assist in alleviating space needs and facility constraints prior to funding any capital projects. In addition, the County recognized, and wished to continue supporting, the many strengths in each of the justice agencies and the examplary coordination and cooperation amoungst these agencies.
· In March of 2008, the Judicial Facilities Review Committee (JFRC), was formed by the Lake County Board to review these issues and make recommendations back to the County Board.
· In 2009, the JFRC recommended commissioning the Phase 1 Study of Operational Efficiencies in the Criminal Justice System which included a multi-phased approach to determine operational efficiencies within the Criminal Justice System and identify space needs and facility constraints by evaluating population projections, an analysis of case filings, and a review of operations, resulting in the identification of certain opportunities for efficiencies, and recommendations for further action.
· In 2010, the JFRC recommended commissioning the Phase 2 Justice Agency Master Plan to identify potential long term facility expansion plans recognizing that many of these operational efficiencies have been implemented including a new court recognized jail classification system, jail holding cell security measures, operational modifications to alleviate crowding in Court holding facilities and differentiated case management now known as Intensive Case Management.
· In 2011, the JFRC recommended commissioning the Phase 3 Justice Agency Master Plan Implementation and Project Development Study including program validation, space planning and project development, implementation schedule and phasing plans, operational impact analysis, construction delivery method recommendation, budget and funding plan options and additional phases for implementation of the remaining recommendations.
· The purpose of this Phase 3 Study was to determine the most fiscally responsible long-term plan and included program validation, schematic design services, operational impact analysis, implementation schedule and phasing plan, and further budget development necessary to provide the County Board with the detail needed to consider proceeding with the projects.
· The JFRC met to develop the Phase 3 Justice Agency Master Plan Implementation and Project Development Study Report including operations and facility recommendations for the near-term, mid-term and long-term needs of the Lake County Justice Agencies.
· This action accepts the Phase 3 Justice Agency Master Plan Implementation and Project Development Report and concludes the work of the Judicial Facility Review Committee.
WHEREAS, Lake County has been experiencing operational challenges related to space constraints in their court facilities largely attributable to growth within the justice system over the last two decades. Recognizing these challenges, the County has planned for long term facility needs that include additional courtroom space and remodeling of support spaces in the jail to address the current facility constraints; and
WHEREAS, the County's first priority in evaluating long term facility needs was to determine if any operational changes could assist in alleviating space needs and facility constraints prior to funding any capital projects. In addition, the County recognized, and wished to continue supporting, the many strengths in each of the justice agencies and the examplary coordination and cooperation amoungst these agencies; and
WHEREAS, in March of 2008, the Judicial Facilities Review Committee (JFRC), was formed by the Lake County Board to review these issues and make recommendations back to the County Board; and
WHEREAS, the JFRC recommended commissioning Francis Cauffman, Justice Served, and MGT of America to conduct the Phase 1 Study of Operational Efficiencies in the Criminal Justice System which included a multi-phased approach to determine operational efficiencies that may be gained within the Criminal Justice System and identify space needs and facility constraints; and
WHEREAS, the Phase 1 Study included population projections, an analysis of case filings, and a review of operations, resulting in the identification of certain opportunities for efficiencies, and recommendations for further action; and
WHEREAS, the JFRC recommended commissioning the Phase 2 Justice Agency Master Plan to identify potential long term facility expansion plans recognizing that many of these operational efficiencies have been implemented including a new court recognized jail classification system, jail holding cell security measures, operational modifications to alleviate crowding in Court holding facilities (bullpen) and differentiated case management now known as Intensive Case Management; and
WHEREAS, the JFRC recommended commissioning AECOM Services of Illinois to conduct the Phase 3 Justice Agency Master Plan Implementation and Project Development Study including program validation, space planning and project development, implementation schedule and phasing plans, operational impact analysis, construction delivery method recommendation, budget and funding plan options and additional phases for implementation of the remaining recommendations; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of this Phase 3 Study was to determine the most fiscally responsible long-term plan and included program validation, schematic design services, operational impact analysis, implementation schedule and phasing plan, and further budget development necessary to provide the County Board with the detail needed to consider proceeding with the projects; and
WHEREAS, another objective of the Phase 3 study was to determine what potential project components to recommend for inclusion in near-term facility expansion; and thus, the professional services contract allows for an extension authorizing the completion of the recommended near-term facility expansion components (known as Phase 4) which include additional scope, fee, schedule and any accompanying items determined to be in the best interest of the County; and
WHEREAS, the JFRC met to develop the Phase 3 Justice Agency Master Plan Implementation and Project Development Study Report including operations and facility recommendations for the near-term, mid-term and long-term needs of the Lake County Justice Agencies; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this County Board of Lake County, Illinois, that the recommendations included in Phase 3 Justice Agency Master Plan Implementation and Project Development Study of the Judicial Facilities Review Committee be accepted recognizing that these recommendations build on the recommendations of the Phase 1 and Phase 2 studies.
DATED, at Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, on November 20, 2012.